Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Young Games Maker

Our daughter is a Young Games Maker.

The official volunteers for the London 2012 Summer Olympics are called Games Makers. The Young Games Makers are kids between the ages of 16 and 18.

Lexi's American school here, TASIS, put together a team of about 20 students to apply to be volunteers. The team went through a tryout and interview session and were thrilled to receive the good news over the Christmas break that they had been selected. The team members must volunteer for a minimum of 10 days during the Games and attend at least three days of training.

Lexi in center with fellow teammates

The uniform, or what they called the "kit" over here comes complete with bag, water bottle, swatch watch, umbrella, 2 polo tops, 2 trousers, shoes and socks. Volunteers for the Beach Volleyball event were happy that shorts were also provided to wear instead of the trousers on hot days.

Training is going on this week. Meals are provided for the volunteers. Yesterday the hot entree was fish cakes or couscous with veggies. Lexi chose a chicken sandwich instead.

When Lexi got home she dumped out sand from her shoes. We now have Olympic sand in our driveway!

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