Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fickle English Weather

I walked to church last Sunday morning in beautiful weather, wearing sunglasses, feeling silly for bringing along my brolly (umbrella).

After Mass, my weather gear swapped places as I carried my sunglasses and used the umbrella for the walk home.

I've learned to always be prepared for the English weather to change in an instant.

When we first moved here in July, 2009 from hot humid Houston, I wasn't prepared for the cooler English weather. I was in denial and kept wearing warm-weather clothes. It was supposed to be summer after all!

Over the last four years I have finally given in and learned to bundle up. Layers are actually quite useful, see above paragraphs on fickle weather.

Now I find myself much more comfortable but I can't figure out why the shops have all those skimpy summer clothes in the windows?

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