Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Tailor Delivered

As a follow-up to my previous post on Visiting the Tailor, we had lunch afterwards, took naps, and went back for the first fitting. Sure enough, in just the 8 or so (sew?) hours since we had left the tailor, they had produced Ryan's two shirts, and a shirt, trousers, and start of a jacket for Chris to try on. So (sew?) not only is the tailor's work inexpensive and high quality, it is also fast.

For some reason, the waist on Chris's pants were a little snug. We decided it was a combination of  him sucking in his gut during the measure-taking plus the large burger he ate at lunch. Good thing they check the fit before finishing the final product. 

About 24 hours after the fitting, the final products were delivered to our hotel. Chris tried the suit on and luckily it fit. I'm sure the tailor would've made more adjustments had they been needed. The clothes look great and now our guys are the proud owners of custom sewn garments from Thailand. 

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