Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thai Massage

Our tour package included vouchers for a free 2-hourThai massage in Bangkok. Ryan had never had a massage and Lexi and Chris had only experienced it in Morocco. So we were game to try it out. We were not disappointed.

We first had our feet washed. Then we were given loose-fitting pajama-type clothes to change into. We laid down on flat mattresses on the floor. Starting with our feet and ending with our heads, just about every muscle in our bodies was poked and mashed and kneaded. The ladies doing the massages were right down on the mats with us, using their bodies to twist and pry ours. Sometimes it hurt but mostly it felt good. At one point Chris's lady was standing on his hamstrings. They even pressed their feet into our backs as we sat up. 

After the massage, Chris's lady directed him to the restroom. Somehow she could tell he needed to go. ??? I thought we would be sore the next day but I'm glad to report we weren't. It went so well in fact that two days later we opted for another 2-hour Thai massage. We had just spent over 3 hours riding bicycles on undulating roads and needed to have the knots worked out of our bodies. It really helped!

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