Monday, August 13, 2012

Random Thoughts as the Olympics Wrap Up

After watching the entire Olympics Closing Ceremony last night, all three hours of it, it's time to try to get my life back to normal. We are already wondering what we will watch on the telly tonight with the Olympics over.

I have to say living in the host city for the Olympic Games was extremely cool. It was exciting to be able to attend several events. It was even more exciting to watch Lexi on TV as a volunteer at Beach Volleyball.

It was a little disappointing to not be able to get into the Olympic Park zone and just hang out. We had planned on doing that but discovered a ticket was needed to enter the area and the tickets sold out fast. Chris and Ryan did get to enter the Olympic Park on the day they attended a Track and Field event, lucky dogs!

We enjoyed seeing the Londoners in a good mood, with people actually striking up conversations for a change. Volunteers were everywhere, some directing pedestrians with big pink foam hands, some just standing there greeting people at an entrance. Ryan had a hankering for one of the pink foam hands, I see one being sold on ebay now for 60 pounds.

A nice feature of London 2012 was the free transportation ticket provided with the event tickets enabling you to get around London on the Underground and trains.

It's over now but the memories will last a lifetime. I may just have to tune in to the Para Olympic games in a few weeks...

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