Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sleepless in Seattle

 I've been waking up in the middle of the night, unable to get back to sleep. Darn jet lag. But while I lie there various observations come to mind and I thought I'd note them in my blog.

- The jet lag from the 8-hour time difference to the west coast is so much tougher for me than our usual 6-hour time difference Houston jet lag.

- Roles are reversed when your child reaches 22 and is on his own and off our payroll. We went with him to buy his first brand new car and he was the principal character in the events. I can remember buying family cars when the kids were younger and I would hang out with them while dad did the negotiations. Now it was Ryan going off to do the paperwork.

- The fact that Ryan has already found the local library and even obtained a library card makes me proud. He did it because he is finishing up his college thesis but I want to believe it's because it's something we've always done.

- Seattle is a beautiful, lush green city, even nicknamed the Emerald City. All the rain it gets at least produces a city that is easy on the eyes.

- People in these parts are so friendly. Maybe it's more pronounced for me coming from London where folks aren't exactly the friendliest (until you get to know them of course). It was very evident in Calgary, Canada where our flight coming here had a layover. Strangers in the airport just came over and struck up friendly conversations. I didn't hear anyone complaining about the next flight to Seattle being delayed an hour and a half. People just seem happy. Ryan says he has noticed this in Seattle as well.

- Then again there is such a thing as too friendly. Like when a stranger walked in off the street at the pizza restaurant last night and appeared at our table asking for a piece of pizza. Strange. Watch out when you sit at a window table close to the door. In case you are wondering, Chris gave a firm "no" to her request.

- I find myself freezing in the air conditioning here. Buildings are so much colder than in England where a lot of places don't even have air-conditioning.

- Food seems so much saltier in America now to me.

That's all I've got for now, hoping for some sleep!

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