Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sail Away

Day 1, arrival on board the Vision

It was a celebration of endings, beginnings, commemoration, reconnecting, and memories. It was a crossroads of the past and the future, on pause for ten glorious days in the Caribbean to just take time in the present to enjoy a coming together.

Two kids graduating, one about to start a career, the other starting university. Two parents wanting to acknowledge their kids' accomplishments and also relive memories of a Caribbean honeymoon and two boat trips and 26 years of marriage. 

A family spending time together before the nest is empty.

It was a reconnecting of Lexi and her guest: a friend from her new life in England but from two years ago. It was a chance to spend time with and get to know better Ryan's guest: his girlfriend.

Even the Captain and First Mate fit into the theme. It was the Skipper's last time to captain the boat before he takes a charter pilot job. It was only the second time that our First Mate / Cook performed her duties. More beginnings and endings.

The occasion was perfect for the older generation to relay stories from previous boat trips and relive memories while new memories were made by all.

Day 10, last night on board

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