Sunday, July 28, 2013

Movie night out... on a sofa?

Just two more weeks until our youngest heads off to university in the States.

We've started thinking about what final adventures we want to have before Lexi leaves, a sort of bucket list if you will.

We have been to so many exciting places and seen some really cool things while living in England. Our timing was "spot on" as they say, having been here during the Royal Wedding, the Diamond Jubilee, the London 2012 Olympics, and now the Royal Birth.

We are down to less extravagant adventures but exciting to us just the same.

One item on our list was a family outing to our local movie house: the Everyman Cinema in Walton.

Our local cinema

Lexi and I saw "The Proposal" at this theater shortly after we moved into our house here in July 2009. Lexi has gone back several times since but Chris had never been.

The cinema got a nice revamp in 2012. The seats are now plush chairs and sofas with pillows and handy little tables for drinks.

Waiting for the movie to begin, Chris and Lexi get comfortable on our couch and my glass of wine awaits me.

We booked a 3-seater sofa and stopped by the bar in the theater (I keep wanting to spell it the English way of theatre). I couldn't resist buying a glass of wine to sip while watching the movie. I realized that was a risky move: sleep-inducing wine in low lights on a comfy couch. But it's not every day that you can bring a glass of wine into the movies.

There are only 2 screens so choices were limited but we saw "Frances Ha". Kind of a strange movie but entertaining.  And I'm happy to report I didn't fall asleep!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Father's Day at Fulham

Russell family on Father's Day, June 2013

We were blessed to be able to spend Father's Day with our two generations of Russell dads. Grandparents were in England for Lexi's high school graduation. Ryan was able to be here as well. We all took a special Father's Day tour of Craven Cottage.

Chris is a Fulham Football supporter (that's a Fulham "soccer fan" to Americans) and the team plays in a historic stadium called Craven Cottage.

I'm not a big soccer fan but I did enjoy the tour for the historical perspective. The original thatched cottage on the grounds was the family home of Anne Boleyn, King Henry VIII's second wife. The area surrounding it was her hunting grounds. The building was destroyed by a fire. In 1903 the current building at the corner of the stadium was built and named for Lord Craven, the owner of the original home.

Craven Cottage sits in the corner of the stadium.

Sitting in the stands of the Cottage

Fulham is one of the oldest of London's teams, first kicking off in 1879. I won't bore you with too many historical details but it was really cool to get to sit in the original wooden stands of the Cottage. It is a Grade II listed building which means it can't be altered without special permission to maintain its history.

View from the Cottage

The stadium entrances were built when people were smaller.

We went into the home changing room. It was not very big but that's sort of the unique aspect of the historical stadium, the old time feel of the cramped spaces.

Changing Room

British soccer fans are truly fanatical about the sport, knowing miniscule facts about past games. The detailed questions that the other people on the tour were asking of the former player at the Q&A session were impressive. "Remember that game against Liverpool in 2002? Started at 7 pm on a Wednesday? Oh yes, their lineup was so and so across the front, etc."

Players run on to the field through this tunnel.

Sitting in the Press Box area

We saw the seat where Michael Jackson sat when he was a guest of the team owner, Mohamed Al-Fayed. We also saw the large statue of Michael Jackson that was intended to be placed in Harrods but Al-Fayed sold the store so it is now housed in the unlikely location at the Fulham grounds.

The tour was topped off with a yummy barbecue lunch cooked on the terrace of the stadium overlooking the Thames River. It was a feast of lamb, chicken, seafood skewers, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, potato salad, chocolate cake for dessert.

BBQ lunch after tour, complete with gifts for the Dads.

All in all, an interesting and entertaining Father's Day.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Don't Touch Anything

"How did it come to this?", I think as I take my first ride on a small 9-seater charter airplane. We are trying to get back to London after our Caribbean holiday. There are not a lot of flight options in the Islands. A LIAT (Leeward Islands Air Transit) flight was to take us from British Virgin Islands to Antigua where we would then board a large British Airways overnight flight to London. The LIAT flight was delayed due to the plane being broken and stuck in some other exotic location like Barbados.

You would think we'd have no problem being stuck an extra day in the sunny beautiful islands if we missed our connecting flight. But in reality we were ready to be back "home" with some clean clothes.

After a delay of 5 hours, the airline decided it would be cheaper for them to put us on a private chartered flight to make our connection than to put the affected people in a hotel for 2 days until the next flight to London.

The airline agreed to charter only one plane. Problem was there were 11 of us needing to make the next flight connection and only 9 seats on the plane. The agent relayed the bad news to us and stated they were going to have to choose who didn't get to go and they weren't sure who it would be. Luckily the problem worked itself out as 2 teenage girls volunteered to stay behind with another family they knew so long as they could retrieve their bikinis from their luggage.

Chris, Lexi, and I were the first to board. We were told a volunteer was needed to sit up front with the pilot as there were only 8 seats in the back. Chris agreed to play "co-pilot". We had a good laugh at him sitting in the cockpit and told him to please not touch anything. He got settled in and asked the official pilot if there was anything he should do. "Don't touch anything" was the reply.

Chris in his special seat

I thought the ride would be bumpy but it was actually the smoothest flight I've been on. Even the take-off and landing were very smooth and Chris had the front-row seat to it all.

I pulled out my iPad during the flight and started writing this blog post. Next thing you know the hour-long flight was complete. Now that's the way to travel.

Barbara, Lexi, and co-pilot?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sail Away

Day 1, arrival on board the Vision

It was a celebration of endings, beginnings, commemoration, reconnecting, and memories. It was a crossroads of the past and the future, on pause for ten glorious days in the Caribbean to just take time in the present to enjoy a coming together.

Two kids graduating, one about to start a career, the other starting university. Two parents wanting to acknowledge their kids' accomplishments and also relive memories of a Caribbean honeymoon and two boat trips and 26 years of marriage. 

A family spending time together before the nest is empty.

It was a reconnecting of Lexi and her guest: a friend from her new life in England but from two years ago. It was a chance to spend time with and get to know better Ryan's guest: his girlfriend.

Even the Captain and First Mate fit into the theme. It was the Skipper's last time to captain the boat before he takes a charter pilot job. It was only the second time that our First Mate / Cook performed her duties. More beginnings and endings.

The occasion was perfect for the older generation to relay stories from previous boat trips and relive memories while new memories were made by all.

Day 10, last night on board

4 Years Ago

It's been four years since our move to England.

Here are pictures from our flight on July 12, 2009 just before we took off on our journey across the Atlantic.

Barbara enjoying a pre-flight glass of bubbly in business class

I remember being nervous about the move but my sense of adventure and excitement and "soak it all up" took over when the flight attendants offered glasses of champagne before the flight even took off.

Tanned Lexi very sad to be moving

14 year-old Lexi, on the other hand, was just plain sad. Now it's the opposite and she doesn't want to move home!

We've come a long way since then and what a journey it's been!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Perfect Pleasure

When we were in South Africa, servers were so polite and oftentimes would respond to our Thank yous with the word "Pleasure" as in " it's my pleasure". They pronounced it play-sha.

Now here we are in the Virgin Islands and the Argentinian chef on our boat responds with the word "Perfect" when we say we like something.

Yes indeed, perfect pleasure.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Boat Trip

We are on Day 9 of our 10-day charter sailboat trip in the British Virgin Islands and lists have started forming in my mind. Here is a sampling of the fun and adventures we've had so far:

Scuba Diving (not me though!)
Hobie cat sailing
Water skiing
Beach relaxation with beach bar and hammock
Motor Scooter rental
Going onshore for a lobster dinner, dancing, and limbo

Sea Turtles
Pelicans diving for fish
Donkeys (seen while scootering across Anegada Island)
Shark (seen by the scuba divers)
Tarpon that we thought were sharks
Variety of tropical fish

Our boat is a 56 foot catamaran. Our crew consists of a Captain and a First Mate who is also the Cook. They are both from Argentina. The Cook is actually an award-winning chef. She took cooking classes in France and New York. She is happy to practice her English on us and we love to hear her speak as she sounds just like Gloria in the "Modern Family" TV show. She is also happy to be getting paid in US dollars here which are worth so much more than the peso in Argentina.

We are getting spoiled with the cooking, three meals a day plus afternoon snack. Here are just a few of the delicacies we've had:

Crab cakes
Quesadillas and guacamole
Tuna Nicoise
Banana coconut lime French toast
Upside down piƱa colada cake
Banana crepes with Nutella
Eggs Benedict 
Homemade bread

Luz, the chef, makes her own salad dressing, mayonnaise, and sauces, all in the tiny kitchen  on the boat. When we first embarked, the best tasting fresh-squeezed lemonade was waiting for us. It had a hint of ginger in it. We knew then we were off to a good start.

Richard Branson's huge yacht
Starry skies
Beautiful sunsets
Corbin Bleu (maybe) from "High School Musical"

Our boat is underway now with the sails out as we head to our next destination. Gotta go....