Monday, March 18, 2013

Lucky Day

Today I won a raffle prize, Chris won some meat, and he won a bet on a soccer match. Coincidentally, today was St. Patrick's Day. Could it be the luck of the Irish?

Fulham beat Tottenham so Chris's pub buddy must take us out to dinner.

While at the pub watching the game, Chris entered the pub's weekly Sunday meat raffle drawing. First number called was Chris's. He got to select his choice of meat that was laid out on a table. He chose some delicious pork steaks. It was a lucky thing too because I had nothing planned for dinner and was thinking of ordering pizza. Instead, Chris grilled the pork and made dinner, lucky me!

Chris got to draw the next number and as luck would have it, he drew the number of his pub buddy. Sounds rigged. Actually, the whole idea of a "meat raffle" sounds odd to me, but who's to say?

Meanwhile, I attended a FUNdraiser Concert at my church. As you can see, we lead a balanced lifestyle, one of us at the pub, one of us at church. Various types of music were performed by youngsters and not-so-youngsters of the parish. The money raised will help send some lucky youth parishioners on Lourdes pilgrimages and also support a local Hospice. A worthy cause, I thought, so I offered my support and tried my luck by buying some raffle tickets. I won a prize of wine, chocolate, gift wrappings, and a book of daily teachings:

My winnings

Some of the numbers performed at the church concert were Irish songs, appropriately, for St. Patrick's Day. It's a Catholic church so there are several Irish parishioners. I felt lucky to be able to hear Irish music on St. Patrick's Day performed by actual Irish people with the audience joining in the singing because they knew the songs.

I'm heading to bed now on this memorable St. Patrick's Day before my luck runs out.

Happy Saint Paddy's!

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