Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/11 Anniversary

Even in London, the 10 year anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attack on the United States was commemorated. Among the almost 3,000 victims in the tragedy were 67 Britons, the largest number from a country outside of the USA.

Prince Charles laying wreath
There is a 9/11 Memorial Garden in Grosvenor Square near the US Embassy in London. A memorial service was held there this last Sunday on the 10 year anniversary. White roses were left for each of the 67 victims. I didn't even know the Memorial Garden was there. I will have to stop by it some time. These pictures are all from the internet as I did not attend the services.

Young relatives of victims laying roses
67 white roses

US ambassador Louis Susman, Prince Charles, Prime Minister David Cameron

Sadly, some protesters organized a noisy demonstration next to the service and brazenly set fire to a US flag during the moment of silence.

There was also a memorial service at the beautiful St. Paul's Cathedral:
St. Paul's Cathedral

Even at Lexi's local English club soccer game that day, a moment of silence was held prior to kickoff. Very touching.

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