Monday, May 2, 2011

English Neighborhood Walk

I like to take a nice stroll around the neighborhood: for exercise and also as a reminder that I am living in the beautiful country of England.  Springtime is especially beautiful here and I finally remembered one day to bring my camera along on my walk.

Bushy Tree

I see a giant foot with toes on this tree:
Toe Tree

Stately entrance to Ashley Park subdivision

Typical English houses

Houses are given names here.  I always try to peer in to see if this house indeed comes with moat:
The Moat House

Wild parakeets

 The algae growing on this tree shows just how damp it gets here:
Algae Tree

 Instead of curbs, painted white rocks line the streets:

I love this stone wall border:

Use your imagination on this tree:
Hooter Tree

My favorite tree

 And back home, in our own garden (yard), here are the daffodils that Chris planted last fall from bulbs:

Frog eggs and tadpoles in our pond:

Spring hath Sprung!!!

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