Sunday, February 13, 2011

Random Things I've Learned from Living in England

1.  I can now tell apart these different accents: Scottish, Irish, Australian, and northern vs. southern England. I seriously couldn't tell the difference before I moved here. Still sketchy on New Zealand and South Africa though. 

2.  If you want pita bread you have to ask for "pitta" bread. Otherwise they think you are asking about a guy named Peter (Pete-uh).

3.  You can't buy a bottle of rubbing alcohol here, they had a problem with people drinking it. 

4.  Brits love dogs, walks, pubs, and even walking their dogs to the pubs.

5.  Locals are not familiar with our American Thanksgiving treat of "pumpkin pie". They are surprised it's a sweet dessert and not a vegetable dish with the main meal.

6.  The price of a green pepper at the store here is the same as a red, yellow, or orange pepper.  All are 72 pence.  I remember the green pepper being a lot cheaper than the other colors back in the States.  Not sure why this is.

7.  I've learned that I CAN take a walk even when it's cold and rainy outside, I just bundle up and wear the proper clothes.

8.  A neck scarf does wonders to keep you warm.

Here's warm thoughts and wishes heading your way!!

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